
What About ME? Your number one source on the web for up to date information about Michael Emerson.

There are some wonderful sites on the web devoted to the great and glorious Michael Emerson, who portrays Ben Linus on the ABC show Lost, but I’ve yet to find one that provides up to date information and news about this brilliant actor. Fans need a site they can visit regularly to find out what Michael is up to. Since Michael himself currently does not have an official website or twitter, let me do the searching and digging and I will post it all right here.

I will also continue to twitter at MchlEmrsnnews. Follow me there!

This blog is an unofficial Michael Emerson blog.

I, nor this blog, are affiliated with Mr. Emerson in any way nor do I claim to know him personally.

This is a fan site/blog.

19 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi!
    My name is Silvia, I´m spanish (sorry for my poor english!) y I´m fan of Michael Emerson. He is the best!I did a video dedicated to Michael and his character Ben Linus in Youtube, and I would like to share it with you.

    I hope that you like!
    Kind Regards

  2. I would want to congratulate you for the beautiful blog..you do really a good job and in fact I never miss every day to pass to “make a visit.”
    thanks for the work that you do. My regards from italy and sorry for my orrible english.

  3. Wow, thank you so much. I love doing it and knowing that people are interested and checking it out is so awesome and makes it even more worth doing. I just hope I can do Michael justice. He is so amazing and if I’m going to do a blog/website about him I have to make it the best I can in tribute to him. If he has seen it I hope so much that he approves and likes it. Thanks again for the compliment and for visiting.

    1. No no I do not know Michael. I met him once very briefly and had my picture taken with him. I am not Brasilian but I lived in Sao Paulo Brasil for 2 and 1/2 years when I was 12 – 14 years old. My father worked for Dupont and was sent to work at the plant in Brasil for a while. I love Brasil very much and will always miss it.

  4. How are you doing guys?? LOST is over, yeah I’m still in shock… it means no more Benjamin linus sadly! As you can see guys I’m a such fan of LOST, but while I was following the show I became a fan of michael emerson ( I know it’s normal hehe ) then some weeks ago I found this blog looking for stuff of michael emerson on youtube, and since I found that I need to take a look every day. So please do not leave to upload stuff about michael emerson He deservs a lot of fans just for his personality and professionality!

    1. It is so awesome to hear that people like my blog and visit it often. Thank you so much for your comment. I have no intention of discontinuing the blog after Lost ends. After all this is a Michael Emerson blog, not a Lost blog. I will miss Ben forever though. I get so much enjoyment from doing this and from scouring the internet looking for “stuff” about Michael that I can assure you I will continue as long as I have a laptop to work on and as long as Michael continues to perform. Thank you again for the comment and the fine compliment about my blog. Please continue to visit and let others know about it and about Michael Emerson.

  5. Hi Pat!
    First of all, I would like to thank you for this incredible site about the wonderful actor Michael Emerson (and excuse my English, is not very good! I’m from Catalonia, Spain).
    Is great to visit a page with full of information about him but not only that but also above all, admires and respects his work. I admire Michael Emerson for all his work and especially as the person who is. Someone who does a good job, who has his feet on the ground (not like other actors), which has a quiet life beside a woman who does not need to say that he loves … could say a thousand things I like about him, so I’ll stop now! hahaha

    Now that he has finished the television series “Lost”, I would love to see a film in which he was one of the protagonists. It would be great, do not you think?
    I hope you continue to work on this page because I will continue to visit with pleasure as well I look forward to talking to you too.

    Greetings from a friend,

  6. Hi dear : first I want to say ” excuse me ” because my English is not good , forgive me if you find some mistakes. I have a question that I can’t see the videos in your website & Michael Emerson ‘s website . what’s the problem do you think? Do I need some special software? I’ll be happy if you help me , please!
    HOMA , from Iran ……

  7. Hi, I have a Brazilian blog about Michael Emerson and I wonder if I can use your blog as a source of news and publish it here in Brazil! Please answer! Are you following me on twitter and I’m following you. I would love to be a source of news from michael here in BRAZIL. Please reply on my page or on twitter Please! I love the blog you! kisses

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